  • July, 16th 2016
  • By Devendra Singh
Basic German Interview Questions

Top 50 German Interview Questions

Learning German language provides benifits to learners. German Language Jobs are not only in Germany, but also Worldwide. German language helps while travelling to Europe. In case anyone wants to learn German language, can enrolled in our online or offline courses at Planet Linguist. after learning the language, appearing for interviews becomes easy. We have written possible 50 German-language interview questions and answers. I hope these questions and answers will be helpful for you.
It is good if you smile during interview, speak confidently, active listening is very important. You can also ask the interviewer if you could not hear the question properly. Most important: If you are writing then it shuold be correct, because you need to take care of capital and small letter along with the punctuations like (comma, full stop...) and verb positiions.
Do not get nervous during the interview. Answer the questions with confidence and smile.

Basic Interview Questions and answers

Q1. Please tell us briefly about yourself? (Bitte erzählen Sie uns kurz über sich?/Bitte stellen Sie sich vor!)
Ans. They already have your resume. Now tell more about yourself.
Q2. Tell us about your family? (Erzählen Sie über Ihre Familie!)
Ans. Tell briefly about your family.
Q3. How did you come to know about this job? (Wie sind Sie auf diesen Job aufmerksam geworden?)
Ans. Since you know the source let the interviewer know that.
Q4. What are your few strengths and one weakness? (Was sind Ihre wenigen Stärken und eine Schwäche?)
Ans. Spell only one or two weakness and elaborate on your strengths.
Q5. Why would you want to work with us? (Warum möchten Sie mit uns zusammenarbeiten?)
Ans. Here you should answer about your interest in the company and your thoughts.
Q6. Could you please tell us, why should we hire you? (Können Sie uns sagen, warum sollten wir Sie einstellen?)
Ans. To begin with start with your goals and how they align with the company’s services and mission.
Q7. Which level have you completed? Also, tell us how proficient are you in the German language? (Welche Stufe haben Sie gemacht? Erzählen Sie uns auch, wie gut Sie die deutsche Sprache beherrschen?)
Ans. This question is asked to check your confidence and proficiency of your language level.
Q8. As a professional dealing with conflicts becomes necessary. How do you deal with conflict that may arise time and again? (Da wird ein professioneller Umgang mit Konflikten notwendig. Wie gehen Sie mit Konflikten um, die immer wieder auftreten können?)
Ans. Just start with a recent conflict in few words and tell how you dealt with it.
Q9. Are you appearing for interviews for similar post with other companies? (Erscheinen Sie zu Vorstellungsgesprächen für ähnliche Stellen bei anderen Unternehmen?)
Ans. Answer this question honestly.
Q10. Why do you want to become a German language translator? (Warum möchten Sie Übersetzer für die deutsche Sprache werden?)
Ans. Let your interest area be known. The interviewer may be fishing for the same.

Behavior-based question

After knowing about you the German-language interview questions and answers move to the behavior arena. The interviewer now wants to know how you deal with situations and your temperament.
Q11. How do you take criticism? (Wie nehmen Sie Kritik an?)
Ans. Describe the events in a synopsis. End the answer on a positive attribute and favorable outcome.
Q12. What do you have to say about your leadership skills? (Was können Sie über Ihre Führungsqualitäten sagen?)
Ans. Speak about team and leadership.
Q13. When disagreements arise among teams. How do you deal with it? (Wie gehen Sie damit um, Wenn die Meinungsverschiedenheiten im Team entstet?)
Ans. Your behaviour in resolving conflict is being judged.
Q14. How do you handle a aggressive customer? (Wie gehen Sie mit einem aggressiven Kunden um?)
Ans. Just give any live examples or say I can deal with the customer politely, I need to hear him/her first then provie solutions.
Q15. How do you meet expectations all the time? Do they weigh you down? (Wie erfüllen Sie die Erwartungen die ganze Zeit? Belasten sie Sie?)
Ans. Choos the correct words.
Q16. Difficult colleague, a quick word on it. (Schwieriger Kollege, ein kurzes Wort dazu!)
Ans. It's a matter of face but do not go personal.

Personal Questions

Q17. Who recommended you to learn the German language? (Wer hat Ihnen empfohlen, die deutsche Sprache zu lernen?)
Ans. Answer the question even if your influencer is not known to the interviewer.
Q18. What are your plans professionally for the next 5, 10, and 15 years? (Was sind Ihre beruflichen Pläne für die nächsten 5, 10 und 15 Jahre?)
Ans. Here you can tell about your desired goals.
Q19. Which areas in the German language do you think you need improvement? (In welchen Bereichen der deutschen Sprache sehen Sie Verbesserungsbedarf?)
Ans. Answer the question sincerly.
Q20. Which German grammar topic do you find easy/ not difficult? (Welches Grammatikthema fällt Ihnen nicht schwer?)
Ans. Name the topic which you are confident of.
Q21. Tell 5 words that describe you? (Sagen Sie 5 Worte, die "Sie" beschreiben?)
Ans. Tell your strengths or good habits do not show your ego.
Q22. Would you like to share your dream? professonal or personal. (Möchten Sie von Ihrem Traum erzählen? Beruflich oder persönlich.)
Ans. It doesen't sound like interview question but you can answer it.
Q23. One negative word that people often say about you? (Sagen Sie ein negatives Wort, das oft über Sie gesagt wird?)
Ans. Tell that negative word which is in favour of you.
Q24. What is your biggest fear? (Was ist Ihre größte Angst?)
Ans. Tell the fear. It doesen' matter to your job.
Q25. What do you do in your free time? Hobbys. (Was machen Sie in Ihrer Freizeit?)
Ans. Tell the interviewer about your interests and hobbys and keep it simple.
Q26. What is your dream Job?/Is this job a dream job? (Was ist Ihr Traumberuf?/ Ist dieser Job ein Traumberuf von Ihnen?)
Ans. Answer the question with smile.
Q27. May we know your favorite color and why is it your favorite? (Dürfen wir Ihre Lieblingsfarbe erfahren und warum ist es Ihre Lieblingsfarbe?)
Ans. This is a psychological question typically asked by HR.
Q28. What is your favorite book/ music/ TV programm? (Was ist Ihr Lieblingsbuch/ Ihre Lieblingsmusi/ Fernsehsendung?)
Ans. This is very simple question.You can answer it easily.
Q29. Who is your ideal person/ favorite author? (Wer ist Ihr Vorbild, Lieblingsautor?)
Ans. As above simple question.
Q30. Would you be stressed if I asked you to rate me as an interviewer? (Wären Sie gestresst, wenn ich Sie bitte, mich als Interviewer zu bewerten?)
Ans. Be honest and answer the question.
Q31. In brief kindly tell us about an incident that made you angry? (Erzählen Sie uns bitte kurz von einem Vorfall, der Sie wütend gemacht hat?)
Ans. Name any incident an tell briefly about it.
Q32. Tell us something about your blind spots? (Erzählen Sie uns etwas über Ihre blinden Flecken?)
Ans. This is again about your weakness. Let both the answers correspond.
Q33. . Is being a translator/interpreter your dream job? (Ist Übersetzer/Dolmetscher Ihr Traumberuf?)
Ans. The answer is easy but it's up to your interest.

Education and Job Related Questions

Q34. What degree did you graduate from? (Welchen Abschluss haben Sie gemacht?)
Ans. Tell about your last degree or graduation.
Q35. When did you complete your graduation or degree? (Wann haben Sie Ihren Abschluss gemacht?)
Ans. Tell about the year of completion in full sentence.
Q36. Since when are you learning German Language? (Seit wann lernen Sie Deutsch?)
Ans. Tell the time since you have been started learning German Language. You can also tell about the levels you have completed.
Q37. What are the exams you have cleared to become proficient in the German language?
Ans. Furthermore, areas of interest in details in the German language
Q38. Which from this list you enjoyed the most learning and the least? (Welche aus dieser Liste hat Ihnen am meisten und am wenigsten Spaß gemacht?)
Ans. You may be passionate about a few subjects. Let the interviewer know.
Q39. Do you see yourself learning the German language further? (Sehen Sie sich, die deutsche Sprache weiter zu lernen?)
Ans. Answer the question in case you choose to learn further.
Q40. Could you pls translate the following sentences for us into the German language? (Könnten Sie uns bitte die folgenden Sätze in die deutsche Sprache übersetzen?)
Ans. Active listening is important here. Here the sentence carefully and answer.
Q41. We wish to know your analysis of this industry and how you see growth for the next 5 years. (Wir würden gerne wissen, wie Sie diese Branche analysieren und wie Sie das Wachstum für die nächsten 5 Jahre sehen.)
Ans. Herein, experience, reading write-ups and strategic thinking comes in handy.
Q42. How open-minded are you to relocating for this job? (Wie aufgeschlossen sind Sie gegenüber einem Umzug für diesen Job?)
Ans. Definitetly you are ready for re-location as per your interest in this job.
Q43. State your 5 positive aspects over other candidates? So that we consider you for this post. (Nennen Sie Ihre 5 positiven Aspekte gegenüber anderen Kandidaten? Damit wir Sie für diesen Posten berücksichtigen.)m? (Welchen Abschluss haben Sie gemacht?)
Ans. Tell your strengths again.
Q44. How long do you choose to work with us? (Wie lange entscheiden Sie sich für eine Zusammenarbeit mit uns?)
Ans. Let them know that you are going to work for a long time.

Salary and re-location related questions

Q45. How soon can you join? (Wie schnell können Sie kommen?)
Ans. Tell the date.
Q46. In case we recruit you. What salary do you expect? (Falls wir Sie rekrutieren. Welches Gehalt erwarten Sie?)
Ans. According to your expectations or it is already mentioned in the job offer.
Q47. What is your current CTC? (Was ist Ihr aktueller CTC?)
Ans. Whenever such a question comes, answer factually. The break-up of current salary and incentives in any.
Q48. Salary expected or working with us. What would you choose? (Was würden Sie wählen, Gehalt erwartet oder bei uns arbeiten?)
Ans. Personaly I would suggest to work not salary.
Q49. Rate us on a scale of 1 to 10 as an interview panel? (Bewerten Sie uns auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10 als Interview Panel?)
Ans. Noteworthy answer is expected.
Q50. Would you want us to answer any of your questions? (Möchten Sie, dass wir Ihre Fragen beantworten?)
Ans. You can ask in case you have any doubts.

Devendra Singh Dyodhi

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